We'd love to have you!

Here are some helps as you are planning to visit FBC Belmont

Parking and Entry

Visitor parking is located in front of the church building, please take advantage of those spots. YOu can enter up the steps through the double doors into the Sanctuary.

Our WElcome team will be happy to greet you as soon as you enter to answer any questions, Supply you with a gift, and to help with Children Check-in if you'd like to take advantage of our children's ministry program.

The Worship Service

During the Worship service we engage in worshipping Jesus through song, prayer, and preaching.

The screens in the sanctuary will supply Lyrics, ANnouncement, and the text from the sermon.

As far as attire, please come as you see fit, we want you to be comfortable. All we ask is that you be mindful of wearing clothing that might be distracting.

The Offering

During the course of the worship service, we do take up a weekly offering. Visitors and guest are by no means expected to give unless they simply feel led to do so. The offering is the joy and responsibility of those who call our church home.

All we would ask is that you fill out the connect card in the pewback in front of you and place it in the offering plate. THat would be your gift to us.

Planning a Visit? Fill Out the Connect Card Below

68 Main Street Belmont, MS 38827

(662)-454-3380 • belmontfbc@protonmail.com

Copyright 2023 First Baptist Church Belmont. All Rights Reserved.